Friday, November 26, 2010
@ 3:59 AM
only this pic that can be uploaded , semuerh lambat .
cm prata roll mak dyer la . urhh .
hmmm ..
nnty petang bby aqu baleq ( :
survived 5 days 4 nights w/o him .
happy archivement okay ( ; hehe .
hmmm .. actually these past few days i cannot eat or sleep right .
cm ade eating or sleeping disorder cm tuu . hehe . fakee .
hmmm .. fiq , kalao kao nga bace what i am posting .
the past 5 days that you left me in singapore alone ~ memories kite asyk lary2 dalam otak aqu , dari aqu tak jager haty kao dngn btol , to the sentosa trip you had , to this year’s rayerh where i cried .. boyy and manaf makasey (: after rayerh , remember our 14th month ? September 19th .. i tak akan lupe . you always say 2909 kan , ambek kao .. bad luck ) :
that’s why these days i can’t sleep , lao tdo pon .. salah bantal . bangon je cm kene rembat pat my neck . then most of the time tak de selare nak makan , lao ade selare nak makan , tak makan . asal ? pasal tak lapar .
come home safely baby , if not i celebrate Our 16th month alone ) ’ :
i miss youu mr baboon ( :
with love .
yhur little Big elephant ; T-risyiaa bonchet , mataer kepade cucuamat ( :
byeeeeeeeeee .
Monday, November 22, 2010
@ 1:14 AM
see the bahalol atas ?
i ♥♥♥ dyer alot2 .
hanya kyte every twenty9 ( : heh .
this bahalol is leaving like a few hours ,
i was planning to stay awake until he go school ,
tapy he going to sleep jap agy ) :
today , he came to my house .
hehe , lepak pat bawa uma i , lepak at my house ,
we took over 200 photos and 2 vid . hehe .
i really gona miss youu .
and this bunch of people + ilah beylo and myraa ) :
biler mao met people ?
meeting the boys during the DECEMBER .
meeting the girls on tuesday .
Mr Bahalol ,
takecare of yhur self , i am really gona miss yhu , even though we've gone through this last year , if your coming back on friday , i met you pat lua school , if not then during the december lorh .
I LOVE YOUUU ( : muackzxx ♥
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
@ 11:14 PM
hello ,
okay , happy . practice , gabra(?) gylee , tyme exam ,
haty is okay . haha . bandaging was perfectoooooo ! hehhe .
then .. went off at 4 . py jp jap , lepak jap .
baleq , kuar , lepak jap . then mama called , met her at jp .
blahblahblah .. on the way home ... i was walking la , like obviously kan .
then there is thys one F a t girl . bukan nak kate aqu mane pey kurus ah . tapy she is
like 2x of me . pakai-an dyer , ish3 .. dha gytuu taqpe . stare at me .. atas bawa , atas bawa , atas bawa .
kiwak , stess dok , hahah .
ARH ~~ okayy byee . naq relink people .haha /
Monday, November 8, 2010
@ 6:29 PM
Hello ,
blog soo rusty , sorry .
aqu niee pemalas . holidays started . results of class have been posted .
I am in 3n2 . idk to be happy or sad .
i am happy cause the subs are okay .
i am sad cause i am separated from ilah and mama is Disappointed .
I had a fight with mataer , so sekarang i taq nak layan phone , i off phone .
sorry . dha gytu taqp . i taq leyy tdooo , pasal ape ? taq asap .
baring kol 1 , tdo kol 4 . then nak kene bangon by 6 , pasal ade first aid course .
and tady , i went home at 5 .
i was hungry , i told mama my class , she did say a thing , she eyes told me a 1001 things .
God ! i feel so hopeless right now .
i dont think i will be sleeping , apetite gone !
dha la , till next tymee aye ?
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !