Monday, March 29, 2010
@ 9:43 PM
heyy .. blog will be dead till thursday (:enjoyyy camp people !
(:love ; T!risyiaaa bhonchy3t kaysiow
Sunday, March 28, 2010
[insert word] @ 6:55 PM
heyy .. er .. daddy asked me to help hym jahit .he's sewing skills is better per .. pemalas (:fake .to dhys someone ;kaw taq serit ker .. problem after problem .kalaw ye punn , lepas satu settle baru create another one larq .not a number ad one time . mcam mane naq settle qhann ?please larq ekq , do me a favor . stop all yuur nonsence .yuu've change alot . annd , it's just [ insert word ]siape yg makan chili rase larq pedasnye ..
Saturday, March 27, 2010
@ 8:17 PM
see her ? ^^
namer dyer ZAFIRA binte bapaknye ..
[A]lso[K]nown[A]s - FeeKhatheykk
Jom nyanyiqhann dhyer birthday song ..
Happy Birthday to you .
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to feefy .
happy birthday to you . .
Yg syy dyer nie pulaq .
namer dyer - Muhammad Al-Fateh Putra bin bapaknyer ..
FatehFreeze .
Birthday dyer semalam tapy no harm nyayiqhan song qhann ?
Happy Birthday to you .
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to fateh .
happy birthday to you . .
sekarang T!risyiaaa rase sick .
actually dary wednesday ker thurday ..
Mama kate taq yag gy camp ..
Aqu naq gy camp kaw ..
cakapcakap pasal camp ..
Bsoq baru siapqhan barangbarang ..
ayy tahu siang .. tapy monday lepak dhen sinda .
hahahs `
er .. nothing else arq .
byeee ~
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
i love dhem @ 4:57 PM
i love dhemm okayy ?
do yuu thynq dhat ayy have changed ?
ayy thynq ayy haved ):
er .. ayy have nothing to post about taw actually ..
tapy . naq keep blog alive peyy pasal qhann .
okayy larq .. malas arq ..
byeee ~ takecare `
Friday, March 19, 2010
@ 3:22 PM
out of dhe four , which one would yuu pick ?
Ay am hungy .. ayy dont feel lyke eating .
Grrr ..
Since yesterday ayy've been missing a number of people .
and dhys people are so calleed random people .
Yesterday , we took 187 & ayy dont know why ..
ayy started t myshh Hadii aka , Tupai .
Yesterday ayy kept thinking of penyu too , no idea why .
nort forgeting 060608 . ayy just myss dhe moments with yuu .
but ayy myshed 060608 , for a while only ..
Today ?
Ay'm missing ilah . Eeqah . Mieyra .
Diyanah . Feefy . Zub . other kayysioww's
Kyerule .
but dhys one person ay've been missing since
dhe start of dhe school holidays .
ANDY ! out of alot of people dhat ay can mysh .
andy is whom ay miss most . ayy have no idea why .
Andy is single . hahahs `
okayy , he's having a job interview today ?
good luck . hopefully today can met hym .
ay want t hug hym and not let go . cann ?
ayy wann take picture with hym too !
Happy birthday Cycaq . @ 1:37 PM
^^ ? CycaQ Qobeng .
birthday dyer semalam .
Happy birthday t yuu .
happy birthday t yuu .
happy birthday t CycaQ .
happy birthday t yuu .
Hope yuu have a great day yesterday .
& a Splended yr ahead ... Happy sweet18 !yesterday . ECP outing .ghereq urq .. sorry kalaw kacaw yg couplecouple aytes ?Pictures ? semua pat Facebook (:ay'm running out of words . soo byee .
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
@ 10:09 PM
heyy !
had a great time today , besides dhe HBL thing .
okayy . . jom storystory .
wakeup . bathe . use comp .
gantung baju . siap . met farah .
janlanjalan . met ilah , didi , eeqah , mieyra , bear , zub and cycaq .
dhenn tron , maen tepong . bear kurang ajar ! hehe `
okayy , dhenn .. met [♥] went t Cycaq's house .. dhenn headed t lib .
dhen me and [♥] taq jady ikot dyerorang , so we went seperate places (:
baleq , kene spelling sikit jer ..
ouhh , me and [♥] arr just friends .best friends . taq lebih (:okayy larq .. got to go . byeee
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
^^ ?
lets syng hym a birthday song ..
Happy birthday t yuu .
happy birthday t yuu .
happy birthday t Acap .
happy birthday t yuu .
Hope yuu have a great day ahead ..
& a Splended yr ... Happy sweet14 !
er .. back from stadiumm .
rann 2 rounds ajee . dhe other 3 , ayy thynk . walked ..
Malas ! hehhe `
okayy nanty mama kate gy Orchard !
aquu happy ! hahhas `
Aqu naq bely baju ! mama , pleasee ~
nanty insya'allah aqu update lagykk ~
Monday, March 15, 2010
bored-em @ 10:37 PM
a boyf gave a challenge t hys gyrlf to live a day wythout hymm .
no communications ad all and said if she passedd it , he'll love her forever .
she agreed . she did not text or call hymm dhe whole day .
without knowing what her boyf has only 24hours t live b'cause he's suffering from cancer .
she excitedly went t hys house dhe next day ..
tears dall as she saw her boyff lying in dhe coffin , with a note on dhe syde ..
' yuu did it baby , can yuu do it everyday ?
AyyLOVEyuu 'very sad qhann ? actually nieyy T!risyiaa have nothing t doo (:heheh ` okayy bsoq meeting Qiqi .. macam naq taq naq keluar gytuk .taq tahu asal .. okayy nvm ..T!risyiaaa sleep dulu arq .. nhytee , sweetdreamss .
Happy Birthday Botakz ~ @ 5:51 PM
see dhys pantart ^^
let's syng hym a birthday song aytes ?
Happy bitthday t yuu .
Happy bitthday t yuu .
Happy bitthday t botakz .
Happy bitthday t yuu .
Darq tua larq kaw ! fake !
okayy , kaw nie .. bhyle naq ade mataer ?
okayy , just wanna wyshh yu a happy birthday .
have a great yr ahead .. & ayy love yuu .
tady T!risyiaa bangun kul 7.45 (:
naq gy jogging . siap semua .. met ilah ..
dhen darq set taww naq jog . 6 rounds khyter jalan .
siape peyy kerje ? aqu jugaq .
bsoq ngq dulu kalaw T!risyiaa naq bangun taq .
Mama kater bsoq naq gy town ! heheh ` ghereq arq .
sayang mama ~
okayy larq T!risyiaaa update soon .
mama punn bising .
byee `
Friday, March 12, 2010
@ 10:18 PM
Today ?school . Npcc . Sinda .[mcam no lyfe gytuk ]Tady Sinda , nmpaq budaq hockey , as dhey having 'camp' ?kurang ajar peyy raihann .aqu nmpq bende geraq , so aqu ingatqhan Lipas .sooo aqu jerit , taq kuat . abeh raihan gy tunjuq pat bawa kaky aqu kater 'LIPAS'terpekik aquu . yg laenn punn join .GGGGRRRR ~ Onee week holidayyyplans aqu ? Lepaq . Met Kyerule . Lepaq . Lepaq . more lepaq .hmmm . noo lyfe ? what yuu thynq ? Yg laen kaw orang buat ape arq ? ade planns ajaq taww .actually qhann T!risyiaa have No more story .friday macam no life arq , sorry to say ..byeee `
Thursday, March 11, 2010
@ 6:30 PM
CLICK HERE !^^ ay've been falling in love with dhys songg .
larq .. some of yuu might know dhe song ..
what song ? solo - Iyaz
qhayy .. today ? nothing much arq ..
school . lepak . home . ad school got 2 problem .
sumer budaq cine pey problem . aqu kpoo jer ..
Today qhann . naq tahu taq ..
niey orang .. ÐiÐi ĜŮÐВΘÎ ḾΧŤK QŮĄÎQŮĄÎ ★ actually bite me (:[ paderhal aqu gigit dier dulu , hehe . sorry (: ]ayy give up ! in boys ! in everything ! thanks for nothing muhammad taufiq bin rapadi
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
sayang sama dier ! @ 6:26 PM
^^ ingat siape ?
niey larq darling ayy . satusatunyer★ ◘• iıанBεчı○ ™ Gιℓєя Ƞāqq mmpŞ •◘ ★aqu GRRRR taww dngn dier ..
tapy dier nga GRRR dngn banyaq orang yg laenlaen ..
qhayy , aqu nga GRR dngn dier punn pasal .
here's dhe storyy ,
tady maths lesson , kiter nga chitchat ..
pastuu , cikguu tanyer dier kalw dier faham .
cikguu ask me yf ayy got problem kaw !
peyy kurang ajar sial tuhh cikgu ..
Darq ghyuk taq per taw .. sayang aqu gy kate ..
tuhh cykgu . darh kurang ajar asal taq kurang air sekali ?
biar dehydrated . *aqu pinjam line kaw jap jerh taww mieyra*
hary nieyy aqu peyy sayang banyaq swing arq ..
swing syny , swing sane .. swing sampai aqu punn swing pat orang ..
fake !
here are some of dhe lynks dhat my darling Ttm - bukori
gavee me . some cute . some funny . some are just getting me speechless .CLICK HERE !
every onee off dhe 'CLICK HERE' is different taw .soo , enjoy dhe clips !
Monday, March 8, 2010
am ayy in love ? @ 9:50 PM
heylooooo (:
okayy currently ayy rase sakyt ghytuk ..
bsok 2.4 pulaq ! kepale ayy macam naq meletop kaw ..
Mama suruh asked what ayy eat . ayy told her ayy belom makkan .
shee marah kaw ! 'cause mama know ayy naq sakyt ..
Today ? ayy ucapqhann terima kasyh too my one and only
★ ◘• iıанBεчı○ ™ Gιℓєя Ƞāqq mmpŞ •◘ ★ ! ayy sumpahh ayy chyng her ..hehhe ` ayy know , yuu know ! dhyy dont know . heheh `ayy thynk ayy'm in loveee !bhyy , ayy love yuu more dhan spongebob love jellyfisshing .more dhann mr krabs love money .more squidward loves hys clarinet .&& ayy need yuu more dhann plankton needs dhat krabbypatty formulararqhh ! hahahs `qhaayy larq .. mama punn darq macam sirenn .
next tyme ? byee ?
Friday, March 5, 2010
@ 10:42 PM
; yuur my last 'cause aii've given uo and aii've t let yuu goo - kalaw aii curik haty yuu , aii akan kene bagy baleq .. aii janji
aii dont want another . it's just [ insert word] aii dont want another 'cause yuu arr dhe best . for now , my heart is for yuu and only yuu .
letting go is painful ,
doo remember dhat letting go is just between a matter of time .
treat it as a storm . eventhrough it's a big storm , dhe sunn will still come up (:
; yuu adalah cinta terakhir aii pasal aii putus asa ! aii terpakse lepasqhann yuu !
- if aii were to steal yuur heart , aii'd give it back aii promise .
byeee `