tht dumbass

★ т!яιsγιaaa bhønchyεt
ι'м shøят . ι'м faт . ι'м υgly .
ι smøkε . ι døи'т drink . ι lερak .

ι'м haяd тø υиdεяsтaиd . and εasγ тø gεt aløиg wιтh .

haтε mε ? aγγ døи'т a fυck abøυт ιт (: sρяεad яυmøυяs ?
aγγ døи'т mιиd ; just bε ρrερaяed ιf aγγ fιиd γσυ øтaγγ ?
ilah , eeqah , feefy , isya , yayaa ♥♥♥

taken by dhe best ♥♥♥
Hanya kyte 290709 ♥♥♥

chitchat .

Saturday, January 16, 2010
@ 7:48 PM

see dhys pantat ? i love hym .
13 more day to our 6th .

if we make our 6th .
only KSS know somethyng ..
KSS kalaw taq tahu , tanyerh taw ..

erm ..
Yesterday had a small argument .
school was great . had NPCC also .
NPCC .. okayy larq .
But tired arq .. forgot my drills .
got another badge , marched wrongly .
revised last yr's drills , learned new drills .
Best part , i saw someone *screams*
dhe day got better , bby met me outside sch .

ermm ..
news from NPCC ,


get it ?

i / we said dhys because dhe first few thymes
i stand beside haziQ when falling in .
dhen we fall in ad dhe carpark , Hazirah want to stand beside me .
i want to stand with fiona . dhen i stand in front of fiona .
dhen hazirah was beside haziq and said she wanted to stand dhere .
i stared smiling , dhen when fiona stood ad hazirah's place , dhere marah .
i told fiona , dhen in dhe end Ziee dhyry sebelah Haziq jugaq ..
huhu ^^

baby's out . to Jemputan .
dhat's all / byeee ` takecare `
Thursday, January 14, 2010
@ 7:40 PM

overdue pic ^^


14January2010 ; today .

Dhys will be short .

Saw Adli ad school ad lib .
ariff , i hate you . benci tuhh taq larq .
tapy jangan kurang ajar arq bro ..

Today = Laughter . Jiwang . Tears .

end of post .
byee ~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
@ 9:15 PM

Today nothyng intresting .
Except dhe part where i met ilah ..
ohh , i mysh her ..

Today took some pic's
nort uploading today .

Sumpah taQ dher mood ..
Sumpah hary nieyh T!risyiaaa ngantok + penat ..

T!risyiaaa pey homework semerh taQ buat .
HomeE , bsk T!risyiaaa taq bawak arq ..
Malas . ingredient pun taQ bely ..
aperh darq ... huuh ^^

byee `
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
@ 9:47 PM

heyd [!]

tady went t library with Jepon /
Studied a while , dhen got bored .
so camwhored .

Tady ad school , Gopal fhynding me ..
huhu ^^ . sorry azan ..
blahblahblah all dhe way to after school .
Waited for Jepon , wanted go ilah's house .
But went to dhe lib instead .

SORRY BBYGHURL , bsk we try go ..

dhenn baleq jap to mandy .
sumpahh panas .. dhen went t Jepon's house .

Dhenndhenndhenn .. somethyng happen .
I was a mini hulk . huhuuh ^^ .

Jepon cried due to her makchyk followed us to lib ..
Tengah nanghys sambil ketawe ?
pernah dengar ? nnty we let Jepon demo .
huhuu ^^ , jangan ambil haty weii ..

& i love dhys crazy bunch of people ..

>Khyter senthyase sott .
Jangan pernah cuberh untQ rampas dherorang dhary akwqh .
Sunday, January 10, 2010
@ 9:23 PM

heyd [!]

if u recived my mxg dhen good .

for dhose yg taq . i'm sorry if i'm silent .

i wont be asking Questions .

Ermm .. till next thyme ..

byee `
Saturday, January 9, 2010
@ 10:17 PM

materh chiaperh lagyk besar ?
Totot qhann ?

should it be thwentynhyneohhseven [2907] or
ohhshyxohhonee [0601]
either way .. i sthyll love hym .

ermm ..
tady .. taufiq came over .
dhen was Ondhephone with someone .
told dhat someone call dhe person later .
taq colcol . sorry .
Nothing intersting .

later calling taufiq .
Now Ondhephone with someone ..

bhyeebyee ..
Thursday, January 7, 2010
@ 7:17 PM

heyd [!]

bilabila [K]epo[B]eycok[R]ebel familia .
will be changed to [K]hyter[S]enthyase[S]ott .

One word to describe music lesson was FHVCK [!]
Chykgu arq nieyh , nampak singlet suruh keluarqhann .
dhenn she asked why my hair gort colour .
dhenn she ask whyy i pierce my nose .
BanyarQ peyh songehh leyhh .

dhe other subject was alrite .
Malay homework nort done .
Maths homework was done ,
except for Question fhive .. taq faham .

after school . homed . art park . library .
Jayyypeeh . interchange . seveneleven . homed .
Otw home , saw Jas peyhh kawan ,
buat bodoo , dhenn saw hym ..
ingartqhann naq salam , buat bodo sua ..

dhenn when i gort home , i searched dhe store .
mom found some leter which i wrote for hym which i
didn't give hym .. here are some ..

when i read through our mxges , i cry .
i cry due to missing you . dhe old u whom i love .
and i sthill do love you . i really do .
If you thynk dhat i dont trust you , i really can't blame you
but dhe truth is i really trust you . i really do .
somethymes , i wish i can be with dhe old you . dhe old you
dhat i once knew . but well , i cant do anything . no matter what ,
i will always love you .

don't you know that /
everytime i go out , whenever i'm ad home or
anywhere as long as i'm alive , dhe only person
i thynk of is you .
Everythyme your with another ghurl , i get jealous .
everytyhyme you get hurt , all i everythynk about
is when u are gona get well .
& before i do somethynd stupid , i thynk of you .
But boii , it's too late now i guess .
dhere are more dhan 30 lines on my hand and it's all
because of you ..

u macih ingart tQ bhylerh khyter first stead dulu ?
150208 ? asyik duk sebut namerh fauzan . baby marah .
baby cemburu . pacl bby ingartqhan dik macih chyngqhan dher .
tapy padahal , deq betolbetol chyngqhan u , and i love you till death .
Sekarang , i'm insecure , i'm sad . i'm angry . i'm scared to lose you again .
I'm sorry . forgive me . please .

b , ingart dulu ..
when i was upset till i called you while crying .
You told me to stop crying cause u didnt understand
what i was saying and after a while i started to laugh .
and u told me to forget all dhe sad thyngs dhat happended .
boii , i miss dhat person who says 'Chak' when i say it .
dhe person who replies my mxges , even if it's late .
dhe person who took care of me .
dhe person who went through my thyck and thyn with me .
dhe person who helps me when i'm in need .
Noww .. where are you boii ?
Somethymes i see you , and wonder if dhat is dhe you dhat i know ..
- i just miss my old muhammad jasmin bin jamaludin .
170409 , dhe say i lost you ..

but whatever it is .
i love my muhammad taufiq bin rapadi more .
hehhe '

Luqmanul Hakim bin Ramli , baleq larq ..
Monday, January 4, 2010
@ 9:27 PM

heyd [!]

today first day of school .

2N1 - ilah . feefy . Eeqah . Farah . M.havoc . Me .
2N2 - Jeponn . Botakz .

Chool qhann khyterh ?

Chybaii siak ..

Acl lah nort all KBR in N1 ..
today , i'm hyperhh .. Very ..
hahhas `

After school , headed t woodlands .
Dhenn back t jurong west . met bbyghurls Jepon & ilahh
dhendhendhen met [insert name] .
homed ..

akwqh sumpah akwqh taq naq gadoo .
Sunday, January 3, 2010
@ 7:34 PM

heyd [!]

Sorry taQ update ..

i know it's veryveryvery late to wish .
but i dont give a damn .

On dhe eve of new year ,
wanted t go Vivo , tapy taq jady .
instead went t dhe City hall ,
eat . talked . jage amirah . watched fireworks . sent amirah home . eat . home .
from city hall all dhe way t bukit panjang . passed by [insert's name]
house and school . gggrrrr .

new year went out with family .
to Vivo and [W]est[C]oast[P]ark .

2nd Jan -
Farah came over , lepaked .

Today ,
Farah and Taufiq came over t lepaked .

Tomorrow gort school .
haahhs `

Mom and Dad told me to jagejage when i go out
cause dad had a dream yg akwqh meninggal .

hahah `